Missing out on digital? If you haven’t started employing digital marketing, you’re missing out on tremendous potential for your business and profits. Digital is generating excellent return for the brands using it to promote business – your competitors are included in this. On this week’s Think Tank Tuesday, Paul explains how you can get started […]
Archives: Think Tank
Custom Think Tank
Have you paid for cheap advertising? Don’t make the wrong decisions with your dealership’s advertising budget. If you’re focusing on what’s cheap and not what’s smart, you’re neglecting key components of your marketing strategy. On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, Paul talks about where to spend your digital advertising dollars and why you shouldn’t […]
Are you doing these the wrong way? Video testimonials are a great way of displaying your brand’s authority. It can directly influence a purchasing decision for a potential shopper. If your dealership currently does video testimonials (or if you’re interested), watch this video to get the lowdown on the right and wrong ways to do […]
How to Win & Keep Service Customers 73% of shoppers who had a good experience with you for their routine maintenance will return for larger services in the future. Service shoppers are willing to pay more for better quality. Most dealers aren’t capitalizing on this and are missing out on the opportunity to increase their […]
Does newer mean better? Not necessarily. When you’re constantly trying to reinvent the wheel, this is something you should be avoiding. With this week’s Think Tank Tuesday, you’ll learn that if your content changes with your mood, there’s a good chance that you may have a problem. For more marketing tips and advertisings strategies, subscribe […]
Do you get it? Google and Bing are fine-tuning their search engine algorithms in order to provide better results for users. With all the recent changes in search engines, it’s easy to get confused on how search engines work and how you should be using them to get the best results from your campaign. Let […]
Are you competing to the best of your ability? Learn how to analyze your competition in this week’s Think Tank Tuesday. What marketing channels are you pursuing? You’ll be able to learn about the different marketing channels that will help your business grow and which ones you should be avoiding. Subscribe for more Think Tank […]
If you’re in uncharted territory, it’s negatively effecting your organization’s growth. In order to be a highly successful business, you need to have a solid organizational hierarchy. In this week’s Think Tank Tuesday, Paul talks about what you need to create an organizational chart and how it will positively effect your business or dealership. Let […]
Have you gone too far? Make sure you’re providing creative and effective content that is engaging with your customers. On this week’s Think Tank Tuesday, Paul discusses how long your video walk-around should be. After watching this episode, you’ll be able to make a great, relevant landing page. You might have too much content in […]
Let’s get engaged! Paul talks about what vital tool your website is missing that’s impacting your sales. Learn how to engage with your shoppers…and how to get their attention after they’ve moved on! Determine shopper behavior in this week’s Think Tank Tuesday. Let us be your partner! Subscribe to our videos for more episodes. […]